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Major III

Posts: 208
# Thread - 2020-02-05 at 3:10 PM
Can there plz be more steady settings on the maps

I for one dont like shotty on any map.
I like to play on your server but the last time (week or 2) im coming in the server and the setting for the next map are shotty GREAT so im off again played half a map, not much fun.

The most annoying is the whining about camping and thats why they want a shotty map or even becouse they just like shotty
All the camping that happens is 95 % within server rules only a few break that rule.

So my request is plz set cliff to shotty then i know when that map comes i have 20 min to do something else or play on diff server.

I know you cant please everyone but i think its best to let ppl know in advance whats coming.
[OTaC] Lt_Jackson

Sergeant Major I

Posts: 115
# Answer: 1 - 2020-02-07 at 3:14 PM
Thanks for your suggestion, Rampant... This has been an active topic amongst many of us admins.

One important factor to reflect on here is "I know you cant please everyone"... because this works both ways not just one way or the other. We may often times find ourselves on either side of the circumstance of either liking or disliking it, though we always have a choice in the direction of which we proceed from here. Some do decide to leave and come back but for the most part most stay and play because they know that after the map it will be back to normal rules. We try to give equally to all as much as we can, at least that is what I try to do within the 5 hours or so I am on from 7pm to 12am central time US. Not sure what times you are playing on the server.

This cliff side map is often a map where a lot of spawn camping occurs because both sides can lay in their spawns and shoot into the other teams spawn, of which is (forbidden) in our rules and 90 percent of the time I am on that map I never play it even though I love the map while playing with rifles or shotguns... I mostly find myself spectating it to try to guide people away from (spawn camping) and also for to not exceed our camping rule. So in short, this map takes some more admin involvement in order to keep it balanced within the rules, not just a permanent rule-set change to shotguns, because again, some like to play with shotguns and others like to use a rifle or bolt on it.

I am not sure if the shotguns rule-set being selected to prevent camping is the main reason why, of course it helps greatly to keep people moving and often is the case you never see the "whining about camping" during this rule-set, so that's a step in the right direction since this "whining" can be annoying to some.

"I for one dont like shotty on any map." This is understandable and not everyone does though likewise it is understandable that some people do. Within relation to two there is always some form of compromise from both sides to achieve a form of balance. Likewise making this map strictly shotguns may not achieve that.

"im coming in the server and the setting for the next map are shotty GREAT so im off again played half a map, not much fun."

Undoubtedly we cannot control this from occurring if you come on the server half way through the map and the rule-set has been set up beforehand. There is no way we can convey this to you before you come on. I understand your frustration though... I've seen many times where people come on this map while in shotgun rules and not notice it being shotgun rules then use their rifle and get kicked. So it's great you notice it when you come on in the middle of the match, not many do and end up getting booted automatically.

"i think its best to let ppl know in advance whats coming."

You may find yourself in game with people who are asking to play shotguns, then the server admin can take a vote and depending on the results may or may not setup the next map for shotguns. There should be never or (minimally) a time that you are not being notified beforehand in regards to upcoming rule-sets and game types. If people are not getting messages on their screen about the changes coming next then this may be something our admin team needs to work on. There has been many occasions where I run a vote because people ask and the vote for yes is lower than the vote for no so I end up not running the map then or vice versa...

Hopefully some more OTaC Admins will chime in and we can go from there to come to a equal (as possible) resolution.


Last edit by [OTaC] Lt_Jackson at 2020-02-07 at 3:17 PM (1x Edited)

Private First Class I

Posts: 10
# Answer: 2 - 2020-02-09 at 11:53 PM
Due to my crappy sleep patterns I play both when you're on Jacks and when Rampant is on so see both sides of this. I have some sympathy for Rampant as I know the admin that is being referred to that perceives high levels of camping (although in my opinion no better or worse than normal - after all it is allowed) and threatens and instigates shotguns as a way to control this perceived camping. As a result Euro day time can have a (and again this is my perception and not gospel) higher shotgun count than at other times, as a result I too have found myself not playing as much recently.

[OTaC] Lt_Jackson

Sergeant Major I

Posts: 115
# Answer: 3 - 2020-02-10 at 7:42 PM
2020-02-09 at 11:53 PM - Grey_Area:
Due to my crappy sleep patterns I play both when you're on Jacks and when Rampant is on so see both sides of this. I have some sympathy for Rampant as I know the admin that is being referred to that perceives high levels of camping (although in my opinion no better or worse than normal - after all it is allowed) and threatens and instigates shotguns as a way to control this perceived camping. As a result Euro day time can have a (and again this is my perception and not gospel) higher shotgun count than at other times, as a result I too have found myself not playing as much recently.

I have came on in the evening and heard others say that they played shotguns only like 4 to 6 times a day... that might be a little excessive for sure.




Posts: 367
# Answer: 4 - 2020-02-11 at 6:05 AM
Sorry Grey but I have to disagree with you. Cliffside as u know is a lovely map but if they camp than shotties or even better knife only is the only resolution and admin in question is in my view correct. But at most we played am about 4 times shotguns knife or pistols.
Anyway all in good old gaming spirit and without trying to upset anyone.



Posts: 367
# Answer: 5 - 2020-02-11 at 7:51 AM
playe nearly all morning and first shotgun was played 1330 gmt


Master of Time and Space

Location: Planet Vulcan
Posts: 2874
# Answer: 6 - 2020-02-15 at 10:51 AM
I hate shotgun maps, but to make it fun for me personally, flamethrowers are allowed an all shotgun maps. So I use a flamethrower. I am just glad it is not in the regular rotation anymore. We put in asylum+shotty and initially peopled loved it and then time elapsed and then people grew weary of it, as did I.

Thread author

Major III

Posts: 208
# Answer: 7 - 2020-02-17 at 5:51 AM
That`s exactly what i mean, there are more then just you and me that hate shotgun maps.

Its like you said ppl start to avoid the server because of it.
Maybe an option like use shotguns 1 map once every 2nd rotation?


Master of Time and Space

Location: Planet Vulcan
Posts: 2874
# Answer: 8 - 2020-02-17 at 8:55 PM
Shotgun maps are not in normal rotation. If admin is putting shotgun if you are on teamspeak you can express your disdain.


Staff Sergeant I

Posts: 55
# Answer: 9 - 2020-03-20 at 12:18 PM
just a suggestion love the way the maps are set up and I don't mind playing whatever they are.. but I wonder if throwing one more bolt action map in rotation would do any thing.. everytime outskirts comes on theres a lot of [great a bolt map remarks] just a thought


Private First Class I

Posts: 12
# Answer: 10 - 2020-06-23 at 6:07 AM
So... it's been ages since I played or even looked at this web forum.

My old 2.2 cents worth (inc. GST) is the old argument:

PLEASE throw a war / CTF map once in a while "without" shotguns... yes please please please it would take a bit of teamwork to get that flag back safely.. that has to be a bit more fun than the usual TDM or Bolt over and over like groundhog day... the musical.. on ice...

IF and I say IF!!!! you were to even announce a 5 V 5 type of tournament in whatever game mode ( yes even TDM ) maybe if there are enough regular players who would be interested... who knows something ... anything but the same same same.

Yes I ST@- up now and put one last request for a CTF map with normal weapons or even bolts just not shotties.

Done... thank you. and sorry for long post!!

B3lisar ( AKA: HiggsBoson for those of you who even remember that far back lol)



Private First Class I

Posts: 12
# Answer: 11 - 2020-06-29 at 3:49 AM
Hey Higgs... great suggestion nice to see you again yeah

We'll look into it and let you know as we have to make sure our Forums are POST-COVID compliant and social media distancing rules are applied...

YUP... thaaank youuu



PS: maybe you should start a new post.... well I am glad you asked.. of course why not and see how that goes shall we??

Last edit by HiggsB at 2020-06-29 at 3:52 AM (1x Edited)
Answers: 11
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